Rodent Proofing is a name that basically means sealing, blocking or Fixing Exterior Openings that Mice, Rats, Squirrels, Chipmunks and other Rodents have used or can use to gain entry into a building or have actually chewed open. These animals can be expanded beyond just Rodents and include some Large Insects, Snakes, Birds, Bats and Larger Nuisance Animals like Raccoons, Skunks and Opossums. These methods go beyond what most conventional Pest Control Companies perform. Most Exterminators would much rather sell a long term contract that will supply them with income long term especially in the winter. Some tell their customers that it is not possible to get all the holes. If you have heard these excuses, had a long time Pest Control Company for the same problem for years, maybe it is time for a change. Cobra Pest Control will Rodent Proof your house or business so that you can finally have Long Term Rodent Control. All of our work comes with a One Year Guarantee not an annual contract. We do offer regular services as well but we do not lock you into a contract. Remember Rob has almost 30 years of Pest Control Experience.
Rodent Proofing your home is a critical step in controlling Rodents at least for long term. Rodent Proofing is just plain common sense. If you are going to eliminate a Mouse, Rat or Squirrel Infestation, Rob at Cobra Pest Control believes that the opening where that Rodent came should be blocked off for any future problems. By not taking care of the entry points is like purchasing an alarm system to protect your house and then leaving the front door open.
For overall Control of Rodents, Rodent Proofing is very effective if all the openings are found and sealed. Also a must is to Exterminate the Rodents quick, not with one or two traps but many. On a typical Mouse Job at an average size home Rob will use around 50 or so traps and bait placements.
It can be difficult to Exclude Rodents completely unless you are very experienced Mice can pass through 1/4” openings. Rats can squeeze through 1/2” openings. It is relatively easy to actually seal an opening, the hard part is in finding the opening. Rob will crawl under decks, in sub areas, through attics, lay on his back basically whatever it takes to find everything.
Some houses have very low decks that cannot be accessed. This has to be addressed, possibly by temporarily removing a few deck boards. Some Rodents such as Squirrels, Flying Squirrels and Bats enter a home from above, so ladder work is necessary. The biggest concern for long term control is winter. With winter comes freezing rain and snow. When water turns to ice it expands thus turning a hairline crack in to a bigger crack. This will especially happen between old cement foundations and new mortar. You may go many many years without another Rodent Problem if ever but opening will occur at least someday.
Any Pests that enter from the exterior can be sealed out this includes Large Nuisance Animals like Raccoons, Skunks and Opossums. Also animals that enter from above wether from climbing, jumping from a tree or flying such as Birds, Bats, Squirrels and Flying Squirrels. And lastly the biggest group that enter from below. These include Mice, Rats, Voles, Shrews and Chipmunks.