Spiders are different than Insects because they have 8 legs instead of 6 and have 2 body parts instead of 3. Spiders feed on insects and other Arthropods. This makes them beneficial in helping Manage Pests. Spiders will wander indoors in the early fall when cooler outdoor temperatures force them to find a warmer home. Some spiders make Spectacular Spider Webs on the outside and are found outdoors in late summer.
Common Spiders found indoors is a cause of concern to some people. And others object to Spiders because of their habit of building Webs in and around the home. Some spiders capture prey by using silk and venom. Others are active hunters that ambush or capture prey. These spiders Physically overpower their prey and then use venom to immobilize them.
There are around 40,000 Types of Spiders worldwide. 4,000 in the US and about 39 of them in Rhode Island. They all look different, have different coloring, size, Webs and habits. Some are hairy, some bald and a whole lot in between. All Spiders are Arachnids and have 8 legs, fangs and some sort of venom. Arachnophobia is the fear of Spiders and the most Common Phobia.
Some Spiders do Bite when they are disturbed or feel threatened but they do not seek you out to bite. Some Spider Bites can be quite severe especially from a Black Widow Spider or a Brown Recluse Spider. Most Bites from a Spider will only cause localized pain, redness and swelling.
The most common sign is the Spiders Webs. Chances are you will find more of the Silken Webs than you will actual Spiders. Another sign obviously would be a number of Spiders. Spider Eggs are also an indication. Theses are actually Egg Sacks that will hold 100’s of individual eggs. They a small off white cotton ball in an out of the way place.
Spiders are everywhere. If they weren't we would have a whole lot more other Bugs. Some Spiders have adapted to living indoors, others prefer the foliage around the house or by the exterior porch light which will attract a lot of Bugs. Spiders will also do what is call Ballooning shortly after hatching from the egg. This is where they release an amount of silk and let the wind blow them where it may.
The best and most important thing would be knocking down Spider Webs when ever you see them. This takes away their home and how they catch their food. Spraying can be effective if done properly which is for the most part direct contact to the body. Between the long legs and the web, Residual Pesticides can be ineffective for Long Term Control. It is best to call in a Professional Exterminator.