Bat Facts:
How to tell the difference between Big Brown Bats and Little Brown Bats. Fats about Bats in Rhode Island.
• Bats are flying mammals.
• Bats are the Best at Natural Pest Control. They can consume over 1,000 Mosquitoes in one hour, and more than their body weight in one night.
• Bats can fly up to 40-60 miles per hour.
• Bats can fly up to 40-60 miles per hour.
• Bats can find their food in total darkness by using their high evolved sense
• Bats are nocturnal.
• Bats can live for 20-30 years.
• Bat droppings called Guano is a very good fertilizer.
• Guano can carry a fungus known to cause Histoplasmosis.
• Newborn Bats are called Pups.
• Most Bats only have 1 to 2 Pups per year.
• To survive the cold of winter months Bats will either Migrate to a warmer clime, hibernate or go into a regulated hypothermia that can last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple months.
• The worlds largest Bat is the Flying Fox with a wing span of close to 6 feet.
• The worlds smallest Bat is the Bumble Bee Bat which is about the size of a penny.
• Bats groom themselves like cats and keep their fur clean and soft.
• Bats may carry rabies like most mammals but it is estimated that less than 1% actually do.
In Rhode Island a Bat Colony may get as large as 200 Bats. The Most Common Bats in Rhode Island are the Big Brown Bat and the Little Brown Bat. How to tell the difference between Big Brown Bats and Little Brown Bats: To the untrained eye both Bats look almost identical. Both are Bats, both are brown and both are small. A Little Brown Bat will be 2 1/2 inches to 4 inches long. A Big Brown Bat will be 4-5 inches. So size can be a difficult indicator of species. How do you know the Bat in front of you is a large Little brown or a small big Brown? Luckily there are other differences. Even experienced techs get identification wrong. There are 3 ways to tell the difference. Fur, Nose and Droppings. Fur: Little Brown Bats have “short” brown fur. Big Brown Bats have “long” silky fur. Nose: Little Brown Bats have a smaller nose. Big Brown Bats have a bigger and broader nose that stands out. Guano: Little brown Bat Guano is about the size of a grain of rice or slightly smaller. Big Brown Bat Guano is slightly larger than a grain of rice. Bat Control can be just as difficult as Bat Identification. Bat Control should only be attempted by Experienced Professionals. Keep in mind that Bats are extremely important to our ecosystem. Many Bat species are protected so a harmless approach is required. Cobra Pest Control has many many years of education and experience. Always get Free multiple inspections. Ask about experience, guarantee and approach on top of cost.

Rob Sullivan, the President of Cobra Pest Control Inc. Brings over 31 years of Exterminating Experience in the Pest Control field to this Blog Forum.